Sistas Saving Sistas
For Christ II
About Our Ministry
Statement of Faith
We believe that God the Father is perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, and measureless in power. God showed His love for all people by sending His son, Jesus, to die for the sins of all mankind. We believe that salvation through Jesus Christ is necessary to obtain eternal life with God in heaven. If you are interested in obtaining eternal life through Christ. Please feel free to contact us at Thank You.
Our Vision
Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ is a healing ministry for women birthed out of it's founders combined visions to create an atmosphere of transparency when ministering to hurting women worldwide. Our vision includes allowing the Lord to use this ministry for Sistas to unite from all walks of life, cultures, nationalities, races, etc., to minister to other Sistas in need of a safe environment to be themselves as they grow spiritually and heal from past wounds. Our vision also involves inviting other Sistas who have experienced God's healing and delivering power to share their testimonies and participate in outreach ministries worldwide in an effort to bring about deliverance and healing to another Sista based on our foundational scripture, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:1, 2 Our invitation to share testimonies is based on Revelation 12:11 which states, "They overcame him (the enemy) by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony."
Sistas Saving Sistas For Christ is a ministry founded on Christian principles. We are a sisterhood of Christian believers meeting the spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental needs of other Sistas through the word of God. We would love to be involved in the privilege of holding our wounded Sistas accountable as we nurture them through God's healing word. We realize that many of our Sistas have been or are still bound by past wounds and have not come to the realization of who and whose they are in Christ. In order for our Sistas to walk in the destiny that He has prepared for them they must obtain a renewing of their minds through God's healing word. Our concept and vision of encouraging other Sistas through devotionals, inspirational stories, real life testimonies is done in a personable or approachable manner. Our outreach has been developed to include an open forum for Sistas in shelters to be ministered to by informing them of God's truth about their true identity in Him. We desire to bring the message of hope and salvation to our Sistas.
Our Mission
Our organization is based on Christian beliefs. We believe that God sent His son, Jesus, to die for the sins of all mankind. We believe that salvation through Jesus Christ is necessary to obtain eternal life and go to heaven. (John 3:16) Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ is committed to exhorting other Sistas to run the race that is set before them with endurance and by His grace. Our hope is that you will put Him first in all things. We invite you to make Jesus Lord and Savior of your lives if you have not already done so. Lastly, we pray that once you have been encouraged that you will encourage another Sista to come out of darkness, commit themselves to a life of fullness in Him, and share the awesome news of His goodness.
Our Community
Sistas Saving Sistas For Christ Is On The Move For Jesus
Our outreach has been developed to include an open forum for Sistas in shelters to be ministered to by informing them of God's truth about their true identity in Him. We desire to bring the message of hope and salvation to our Sistas.